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This post comes a little late in the year (so sorry!), but I wanted to make sure to share these two printables while they could still be used for the remainder of the school year. This homeschool attendance tracker sheet has helped me so much with staying on track (and my oldest really enjoys independently keeping track of her school days with it). There are FIVE different versions of the attendance record sheets for you to choose from. You can buy the PDF here.
I also use the “Year at a Glance” sheet below to plan out our school days. This greatly helps us get and stay on track throughout the school year!
The “Year at a Glance” calendar/planner is available for FREE! Just scroll to the bottom of this blog post and look for the “download now” button to grab it 🙂

How Do You Use These?
#1. Yearly Planning Sheet/Calendar
The first thing I do when planning out our school schedule is to sit down and figure out how many days of school we need to do in order to finish our curriculum/goals for the year. We mainly use The Good & the Beautiful. Their curriculum is designed to be completed 4 days a week, for 30 weeks (120 total lessons).
I’ll then print out this “Year At A Glance” sheet (available for free below) and start coloring in any holidays or vacation days. You can see below that I used the color purple to fill in our vacation days.
After that, I look at our co-op schedule and color in whatever days we attend “class day” (what we call our co-op). Basically, you want to color in any weekday that you will NOT be doing regular schoolwork.
After doing this, I can now see all the remaining school days that are available to schedule!
Now I’ll look at the day we usually start school. This is typically the day after Labor Day for us, but my husband took that week off this year, so we ended up starting a week later than normal.
I’ll then start counting forward 120 weekdays to see where our tentative last day of school falls. If I’m not happy with it, I can adjust our plan…but usually it works out great 🙂 I’ll color in our school days and call it good!
I’ll hang this up on our refrigerator so we can see which days schoolwork NEEDS to be done, in order to finish on time (and for us to have a nice summer break). This has been VERY motivating not only for me, but for my kids as well. It’s easy to take a day off here and there, but when you have a visual like this, you’ll want to stay on track and not fall behind!

#2. Homeschool Attendance Tracker Sheet
After I’ve gotten our general schedule laid out for the year, I’ll print out some copies of this attendance sheet. No, our state does NOT require this…but for my own sake, I appreciate knowing what and how many days we did schoolwork.
Technically, I only need to print out one copy for me to keep track (since we all do school together). However, my oldest likes to have her own copy to keep track of.
This tracking sheet is simple! Just cross off, highlight, or color in the days as you go. There are five different versions to choose from. You can preview them here.
I made sure to add a “monthly total” at the top of each month too. This makes it much easier to add up the days at the end of the year!

So how do you plan out your school year? Or do you just wing it? Do you keep track of which days you do school? Feel free to comment and share below – I’d love to hear what you do!